
The reality compressed into two-dimensional images changing our everyday perceptions 
The two works explore the physical body’s crossing of borders, stepping into the unknown

Wandering off from the daily rituals, we drift together.  

The work explores the use of video games and dance moves as means of projecting the modern consciousness, so as to reach a physical state different from everyday life during the process. Strong musical beats and rhythms connect video game characters and instinctive movements to repetitive rhythms, allowing the dancers to transcend the shackles imposed by the physical body.

Residency: Choi X Kang Project x Joseph Lee x KT Yau 

Work-in-progress Showing 
The four choreographers began their cross-border dialogue last year, exchanging views, proposing ideas, discussing, listening, and creating works virtually. Ideas and questions on the mode of collaboration, the possibility of having dialogues on an equal footing, and the limitations of language as a medium for communication were accumulated during the process. Yet, none of these limited their imaginations to the square horizon and showcase the results of their cross-border dialogues to the audience. 

House Programme

Date and Time: 19 – 20 Nov (Fri – Sat) 20:00

Venue: Multi-media Theatre, HKSC Art and Culture Centre

Price: $180

Choreography & Concept: Joseph Lee
Devising Dancer: Paula Wong, Jimmy Suen
DJ and Live Game Player: Lawrence Lau
Premiere Devising Dancer: Holmes Cheung
Premiere Rehearsal Assistant: Sharon Tam Suet Wa
Costume Design: Toby Crispy

*The premiere of this production was presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

Residency: Choi X Kang Project x Joseph Lee x KT Yau 
Work-in-progress Showing 
Concept and Performance: Joseph Lee, KT Yau, Choi Min Sun, Kang Ji Nan

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