
The body reveals the present, yet the present is a mélange of history and experience.
One can only know where the future leads by asking questions that trace back to its roots. Joined by Ong Yong Lock, Chen Wu Kang, Yuri Ng, Ray Tseng and Lawrence Lau, the quintetto attempts something new in “Body Works” by transforming memories and experience into a source material and placing them in the present. Through repeatedly questioning and pondering about the process of how ideas are being received, compromised, inherited or transmitted, it reveals how objects have been bestowed with meaning. As they ruminate and vacillate, sorting out the works cached in their bodies, the contemporary and the history concealed within is revealed in layers.
“Body Works” becomes a complete and meticulous choreographic framework that draws on the performers’ different histories as the source material, which gradually unfolds throughout the composition of the entire performance, whilst simultaneously giving them the autonomy to improvise. Ong Yong Lock and Gigi Yang will perform each show separately with different materials. The open framework of the work also invites the audience’s live participation, where the dialogue, consciousness and questions come together to construct a space for discourse. There is no fixed outcome, and a direction is found through everyone unravelling their own experiences.

Date & time: 8pm, 30-31 July (Fri – Sat) & 3pm, 31 July – 1 Aug (Sat – Sun)

Venue: Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre

Price: $240

This programme contains nudity scenes.

Concept: Ong Yon Lock, Chen Wu-kang
Collaboration: HORSE
Co-creation: Ong Yong Lock, Chen Wu Kang, Yuri Ng*, Ray Tseng, Lawrence Lau, Gigi Yang
Performance: Ong Yong Lock (30/7 8pm & 31/7 3pm), Gigi Yang (31/7 8pm & 1/8 3pm)
*With the kind permission of City Contemporary Dance Company

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