
Unlock Body Lab: Open Research Week 2022

Last year, the first Open Research Week based on the theme “Hybridity, Convergence and Training of Contemporary Performance-making”. On our quest examining deep into the training systems developed among different performing art forms, schools and disciplines, traces to their own differences and similarities on aesthetic indications were located. Understanding these different techniques, trainings and habits, we were also exploring the possibilities for different practices to reference, intersect, transform or expand mutually.
This year, under the theme of “Brain Stretching, Eye Opening, Body Moving”, we extend our discussion towards ways and methods to art-creating in contemporary performing art. Curated a series of workshops, showings, lecture and screenings, we aim to connect artists from different disciplines and mediums, thus open up the creative process and space for public to witness and explore in.
With the intention to nurture co-learning, experiment and exchange, we come from a ground to capture the ephemeral, easily forgotten, compromised, washed away queries and curiosities during creative processes; to name those rarely named but essential processes, to put importance to trivial parts that are not presented in a work but weigh as equal. Eventually, we meant to ask the fundamental question on the nature of creation, beyond a production-oriented context, but its multi-layered relationship with diurnal life.

Date: 4-16 Jan 2022


Event and Ticketing Details

Participating Artist:
Chan Wai Lok, Cheng Nga Yan, Kerry Cheung, Andy Lee, Joseph Lee, Lee Wai Shing, Lawrence Lau, Natalie Lau, Leung Tin Chak, Priscilla Lo, Skinny Ng, Ong Yong Lock, Larry Shuen, Iris Tang, Sabrina Wong, Human Wu, Karen Yu

Programme Partner: Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong
Venue Partner: ngau4 gat1 dei6 
Ticketing Partner: Art-mate

「書寫動態:音樂、動作及編排標記法」研習工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「動作探索的方法學」身體工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「錄像動作」研習工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「手腦協調鍛煉」研習工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「平衡不等於靜止」身體工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「我唔識同我個composer溝通啊」講座 (Credit: Vincent Yik)
「樂手的自我修養」研習工作坊 (Credit: Vincent Yik)