Fringe Activities

#DANCELESS complex 2023 - Online Conversation: Dialogue between Law Yuk Mui and Gigi Yang on "(I stay quiet as a stone),「from there to here」。"

#DANCELESS complex 2023 online conversation series invited two artists, Law Yuk Mui and Gigi Yang, who collaborated on the creation of "(I stay quiet as a stone),「from there to here」。" to share their experiences and thoughts about the work in a dialogue moderated by independent curator and writer Qu Chang.

In this commission, the two artists, who work in different media, collaborated to develop an exhibition and three live performances titled "(I stay quiet as a stone),「from there to here」。" During the three performances, three invited artist-observers used different materials and methods to document Gigi Yang's actions on-site, and these records were accumulated and continuously updated as part of the exhibition.

Over the course of several months, the two artists engaged in remote communication, attempting to imagine the intertwining of the body, the silence of sounds, and materiality of the objects and images in the white box set up in 1a space. Law Yuk Mui responded to the slow and quiet movements by evoking the contours of shifting stones during cyanotype exposures through daily subtle traces. Meanwhile, Gigi Yang silently and steadfastly faced the overlapping history and memories of the body, becoming an installation in mobile within the exhibition with a continuous three-hour performance, as if embarking on an endless journey. This dialogue aims to share the experiences and inspirations from the collaborative process, recalling and narrating the untold beginnings, endings, and details that were not mentioned in the exhibition and performances.

Artists: Law Yuk Mui (Multi-disciplinary Artist), Gigi Yang (Dance Artist)

Moderator: Qu Chang (Independent Curator and Writer)

The conversation will be held in Cantonese.

Online Conversation

7/10 (Sat) 9pm (HKT)

Free Admission

#DANCELESS complex 2023 - Online Conversation: Tam Suet Wa Sharing on her research project “In-Between”

#DANCELESS Online Conversation Series invites choreographer, performer Tam Suet Wa, who is from Hong Kong and now resides in Berlin, to have a dialogue with her dramaturge Dong Yan about her research project "In-Between" in this edition of #DANCELESS studies. The conversation will be moderated by Joseph Lee, the curator of #DANCELESS complex.

"In-Between" is a research project by choreographer, performer Tam Suet Wa, in collaboration with three partners: Cary Shiu, Christy Poinsettia Ma, and Paula Wong. The project explores the relationship between distance, presence, writing and dance through one-to-one letter writing and the exchange of instructions(score). The concept originated from dance scholar André Lepecki's article "Inscribing Dance", which examines the relationship between dance and writing from historical and philosophical perspectives (the term "choreo/graphing" in English etymologically refers to both "dance" and "writing"). Tam approaches this relationship from a personal perspective and invited three dancers who share similar backgrounds: Hong Kong individuals born in the 1990s, who have studied dance elsewhere and are now in the process of "leaving-returning" to Hong Kong. She maintains communication with them through letter writing, attempting to collectively experience "dance" despite the distance. Throughout the process, they delve into writing, develop instructions on proximity, and transform these instructions into movements, shaping their connections and relationships.

This project is part of the #DANCELESS studies in the #DANCELESS complex. The correspondence during the process is documented, categorised and edited by Tam and put on the website, providing a platform for showcasing the dialogues in the public domain. By displaying these dialogues, they aim to extend further reflections and discussions. This online conversation seeks to share more insights and practices discovered during the research project.

The project's website is: (, feel free to visit!

Speakers: Tam Suet Wa (concept), Dong Yan (dramaturge)

Moderator: Joseph Lee (#DANCELESS complex curator)

The conversation will be held in Cantonese.

Online Conversation

8/10 (Sun) 9pm (HKT)

Free Admission

Yang Zhen Devising Method Workshop and Sharing

"Posturing Sentiments: Reconstructing the Body in a Complex Atmosphere"

Yang Zhen's creative process transforms the performer's body into a source of inspiration that corresponds to the present moment. In the workshop, through music participants will delve into the physical and sensory texture of the body. They will as well explore layers of emotions and connect dance to personal experience, restructuring performance language and imaginative space.

In the research sharing, Yang Zhen together with professional dancers will share their accumulated experiences with the public, demonstrating how they have reclaimed their own body with sentiments within an improvisational framework.

Public Workshop

29/7 (Sat) 2-4pm
Unlock Dancing Plaza

Free Admission

Research Sharing

28/7 (Fri) 8pm
Unlock Dancing Plaza

Free Admission

Jefta van Dinther Performance Workshop and Sharing

“From the microscopic body landscape: to dissect life experience”

Jefta van Dinther regards performance as an art of gaining insight into life, shining a theatrical light on the invisible details of existence. What conscious thoughts lurk in our minds, guiding our choices? This workshop will open up intimate moments of self-dialogue, allowing the body to become a medium for dissecting life.

Public Workshop

23/9 (Sat) 2-4pm
Unlock Dancing Plaza

Free Admission

Research Sharing

28/9 (Thur) 8pm
Unlock Dancing Plaza

Free Admission